New Interpreter Request Form

Thank you for using Professional Interpreter Exchange. To request an interpreter, either open and print the document from here and fax it to us, or complete the form below:

Request Information

An * denotes a required field or section

If you know your companys PIE Inc. Customer Number enter to pre-fill form:

*Name (Bill to): 
*Onsite Contact:
*Onsite Phone Number:
P.O./Contract No.:   
*Requester's Email: 
*Billing Address:
Street Address:  
*City:   *State:     *Zip:  
Assignment Address: .
Street Address:   
City:   State:   ZIP:
Floor Number: Room Number:

*Assignment Specifics

Event Date Start - End  Time Interpreters Desired Description/Topic
Reminder: Any assignment lasting longer than two (2) hours will require two (2) interpreters, unless the assignment is approved by our office for one (1) interpreter.

*Additional Assignment-Related Information

We must have this information in order to provide the best service.


1. Deaf Client's name:


2. Deaf participant's language preference:

3. Interpreter Gender Preference (M/F):

4. Do Interpreters go through security?

5. Parking Information:

parking type
parking Free

6. Metro Information:

Nearest Metro Stop
Metro Exit
Metro Line
7. Provide directions from major road or from Metro to building. For example, Take I-95 North from the Capital Beltway to your location, etc. We Must have directions for the Interpreter to get there promptly. Please include landmarks, road name, etc.
8. Payment: When we receive your Interpreter Request via our online Interpreter Request form, you will be contacted to verify the request, and to make payment arrangements. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover and you may use any of these for quick and efficient payment.